When we consider buying wood-burning fireplaces to heat our home, the cassette system is one of the most common types of fireplaces. It’s normal to take a look at the prices to find affordable models, although it’s also advisable to know the system employed by each one, since while it’s true that it’s an important investment, the quality of the product is crucial to feel that we have made the right choice. One of the greatest advancements in this regard is the triple combustion system incorporated by the most sophisticated cassettes.
What is triple combustion?
Models of fireplaces with triple combustion increase efficiency, reduce waste, and achieve significant savings in the amount of firewood needed. It’s a system that consumes gases that haven’t burned during the first and second combustion inside the cassette.
The first combustion
The first combustion is common to all fireplaces. It involves letting air into the interior to control the flames and regulate the burning of the firewood based on the amount of air entering. This is done using the ash collection tray, which is opened more or less to control the burning of the logs.
This system, which can be considered basic, has a problem. As the flame grows inside the fireplace, the firewood and oxygen aren’t completely consumed, leaving unburned fuel. That’s why experts in fireplace manufacturing and maintenance started thinking about installing a second air inlet.
The second combustion
This second combustion consists of introducing air directly into the center of the flame through holes in one of the walls of the fireplace or stove. This increases the combustion of the gases produced by burning firewood, reduces the amount of waste generated, and makes the chimney much more efficient. This improvement in fireplace combustion is present in a large number of models today.
The triple combustion
The triple combustion further optimizes the process. By introducing a third air inlet, the gases that have not yet been burned in the chimney are utilized. This not only saves even more firewood and produces less waste, but also reduces the amount of CO2 expelled into the atmosphere, making this system the most environmentally friendly one currently available in wood-burning fireplaces.
The triple combustion system is one of the most practical ways to truly save on the purchase of a stove or fireplace. Combined with high-quality fireplace doors, it can make the medium and long-term investment highly beneficial. Therefore, in addition to considering the price of your next fireplace, make sure it has a system that helps improve its efficiency, reduce fuel consumption, and be more environmentally friendly.