How to cover the fireplace with glass.

How to cover the fireplace with glass.

Covering the chimney with vitreous glass is one of the best ideas you can have in a house. It’s efficient, safe, and quick, so it’s no wonder that many people wonder how it’s possible to do it. And the answer is quite simple, with a custom door for the opening. At hotfiredoor, we send you your glass door with the measurements you need so that you can enjoy your new fireplace in no time. Take a look at the steps to follow to cover it.

Take the measurements of the fireplace opening

The first thing you need to do is grab a pencil and paper and write down the exact measurements of the fireplace opening. To do this, use a tape measure and measure the inside edges of the bricks. Measure four points: the outer width and length, the depth, and the inner width. This way, you can make sure the measurements are accurate and you won’t have any problems when enclosing it with fireplace doors.

Medidas y dimensiones de las chimeneas

Easily order your custom door

With the measurements taken, fill out our budget form. Attach a photo to provide a better reference. Once the budget is approved, we will manufacture your custom door and send it to you as soon as possible, along with everything you need to enclose it.

How to install a wood-burning fireplace

Cover the chimney.,Cover the chimney with glass.

Tools you will need to cover your chimney with glass

To install your new door, you will need a few tools that are likely already present in your toolbox. A silicone application gun or similar, a wrench, and a drill with drill bits.

Enclose the chimney without construction work

Unlike other systems, custom glass doors do not require complicated construction work. You just have to fit the door frame, mark the anchor points, and drill. Insert the plugs that come with the door and reposition the frame.

Cover the chimney.,Cover the chimney with glass.

Once you have made sure the holes match up, it’s time to insert screws into each of the fasteners. Tighten them securely with a wrench and make sure the frame is firmly in place.

To ensure that the fireplace enclosure is the best, apply refractory putty all around the edge of the frame, trying to get it into the joint and leaving no gaps between the wall and the door. Do it carefully and with a steady hand to avoid leaving any residue on the outside.

Cover the chimney.,Cover the chimney with glass.

Fit the glass into its support and let it dry thoroughly for at least 24 hours. Your sealed fireplace will be ready, much safer and more efficient, in no time.

As you can see, covering the chimney with glass is extremely simple. You don’t have to make a mess or break the chimney to fit complicated systems. Moreover, you can do it yourself, saving money on hiring a professional, which sometimes can cost even more than the enclosure itself. Enjoy the comfort and convenience of a good fire. If you want more information, here we explain the step-by-step instructions on how to do it.

The History of the Chimney