Have you heard of sweet death? Do you know what it is and what it has to do with chimneys? In this article, we will explain what it consists of. Furthermore, we will discuss how fireplace doors can be of great help in avoiding this silent and deadly danger.
What is sweet death?
Sweet death refers to carbon monoxide poisoning, a poisonous gas for humans and other living organisms. The problem with this compound is that it cannot be detected at first sight, it has no odor, and it can cause death in high concentrations. In fact, every year we hear news about this problem.
Carbon monoxide is produced by the combustion of fuels. Different types of gas, liquid fuels, coal, or wood emit varying amounts of this poison during combustion, which mixes with the air. The use of wood by countries according to FAO indicates that poorer territories use it as a source of heat and for cooking, and the air becomes dangerously filled with residues that can cause anything from respiratory diseases to death by poisoning.
Car exhaust pipes also emit this gas, so some people have put themselves in danger by starting them in enclosed spaces like individual garages.
How to avoid danger with a fireplace
To prevent problems like these when lighting the fireplace at home, it is important to take precautions. Simply being aware of the slightest symptom is not enough, as according to ABC, when something like dizziness or shortness of breath is noticed, if it is noticed at all, it is too late because. the body won’t be able to react to attempts to get up and open the windows.
The first thing we should look at is whether our fireplace installation is in good condition. Improper draft, flues clogged with soot, or closing the smoke outlet can be some of the problems that expose us to silent death.
If the fireplace is gas-powered and we notice a certain odor, we must close the gas valve and open windows for ventilation, avoiding any kind of fire ignition. We should also pay attention to the color of the flame, which should be blue and not red.
These are some measures to keep in mind regarding fireplaces. It is also good to leave at least a small gap in doors or windows and not seal the room completely, just in case. Even if the fireplace is functioning perfectly, fresh air is needed to prevent gas accumulation and suffocation of those inside.
If you experience any discomfort symptoms such as a headache or unusual drowsiness, try to leave the room or seek help. Keep in mind that even a relatively short exposure can result in loss of life within hours. Immediate action is crucial when dealing with someone affected by silent death.